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"Manifest Destiny."


The Jericho Wheel is a Pet of the Purple Tier obtainable through chance from Eggs purchased from Zacha's Incredible Pet Emporium.

The Uncommon Pet has a 10% chance of being obtained from a uncommon pet roll.


It is a brown wagon wheel which rolls towards its owner when moving.


  • The description may be a reference to the fact that the wheel resembles those that US settlers used to journey on the Oregon Trail.
  • Likely the same wheel as the one the player used to have to locate for Jericho's Wheel Woes quest.
  • The wheel's current sentient nature may be due to Chad's influence over Mushroom Forest where Jericho passed through on his way to Mushtown.
  • This pet could also be a joke made by the devs, as the actual wheel didn't use to exist before.
Zacha Pets
Pet Egg (1)Great Pet Egg (1)Noble Pet Egg (1)
Common Pets Stingtail Pet (1)Ratty Pet (1)Forsaken Crab Pet (1)Basalt Snail PetCorgi Pet
Uncommon Pets Darktail Rooster Pet (1)King Crab Pet (1)Chef Ratty Pet (1)Moglito Pet (1)Jericho Wheel (1)
Rare Pets Oakmore Turtle PetTundra Wolf PetCool Baby Shroom Pet (1)Slime Jr Pet (1)
Legendary Pets Bellboy Monkey Pet (1)Clockwork Owl Pet (1)Dapper Corgi Pet (1)Chaos Dragon Hatchling
Other Chicken PetBaby Shroom Pet (1)Yeti PetCandle Chicken PetCannon petGorgog GuardianGorgog Mech Pet (1)Snelly Pet (1)Ugly Spiderling Pet (1)BabyPossumPetBaby Hermit PetSlime Jr Pet (1)VanPebblePolish